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About TV




Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Rectorate's Manas Television is broadcast digitally across Kyrgyzstan and is available on digital platforms. Manas Television has television studios equipped with advanced broadcasting technology. The team of the Television Directorate is comprised of professionals who have worked in respected media organizations in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, including:
- Dr. Bülent Namal, television director;
- Alişer İbragimov, chef;
- Şarizat İbrayeva, program producer and presenter;
- Gülzira Keneşova, program producer and presenter;
- Yaroslav Kalinovskiy, cameraman;
- Denis Burdakov, sound technician.


Manas Television places great importance on performing all its operations with high quality. It operates in broadcasting and other areas with its advanced technical and technological infrastructure, professional human resources training in broadcasting, academicians, students, opinion leaders, and volunteer programmers from various sectors of society.


- Technology transfer in the field of broadcasting to Kyrgyzstan through the use of new technologies,
- Modern television studios,
- Digital terrestrial television broadcasting across all Kyrgyzstan,
- New media broadcasting,
- Metaverse projects,
- Regularly updated social media accounts,
- Competent individuals from various sectors of society, including academicians, students, and intellectuals as volunteer programmers,
- Regular and rich broadcast content created for the benefit of society in areas such as education, news, technology, business, life, and many others,
- Reflection of youth's creativity and dynamism in broadcasts,
- Joint projects and broadcasts with reputable broadcasting institutions such as Kyrgyzstan's UTRK Television, Turkey's TRT, and other televisions of the Turkic World,
- Live recordings and broadcasts from national and international scientific, cultural, artistic, and sports events,
- Video clip shootings for well-known artists of Kyrgyzstan,
- Joint TV broadcasts and social responsibility projects with international organizations and various institutions of Kyrgyzstan,
- Support for international events like the Bishkek International Ethnic Jazz Festival, Turkish Culture in Bishkek, International Traditional Handicrafts Fair, and more…


- To contribute to the realization of the University's vision and mission,
- To publicize the activities carried out by the University,
- To provide students interested in broadcasting with professional knowledge and experience in a real studio and broadcasting environment using advanced broadcasting technology,
- To create awareness about the work done in the region by the institutions and organizations of the founding countries,
- To carry out joint projects and broadcasts with Turkish, regional, and global broadcasters,
- To help improve relations between Turkey and the countries of the region through broadcasts,
- To promote a better understanding of the values and culture of the Turkic World, especially among young people and society,
- To encourage the use of mother tongues in the Turkic World and support the teaching of Kyrgyz and Turkish,
- To produce and implement projects that support the development of the media sector in Kyrgyzstan.


- Manas Television conducts quality digital terrestrial broadcasting, IP platform broadcasting, and internet broadcasting throughout Kyrgyzstan.
- National status Manas Television's broadcast content includes topics of interest to youth, education, information, youth programs; programs related to Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and the Turkic world; debate programs, culture, art, technology, health, sports, university life, social media agenda, live concert broadcasts, and many other interesting current topics and guests.
- Manas Television encourages the voluntary participation of academicians, students, opinion leaders, famous artists, ministers, bureaucrats, and people from various sectors of society in its broadcasts.
- Manas University has the first and most modern television studios in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. The only University in the region with a professional broadcasting television is Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University.


- The primary work and responsibility of Manas Television is to produce quality television broadcasts with the consciousness and responsibility of being the television channel of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University.
- Additionally, the Television Directorate conducts activities in new media broadcasting, production, television software coding, news and advertising agency, metaverse and artificial intelligence studies, and event and training organization.



Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University's Manas Television was officially established on July 22, 1999, following its registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. However, the television station gained the right to broadcast at a national level on terrestrial television through the renewal of its Justice Ministry registration by the Radio and Television Directorate on behalf of the Rectorate on May 4, 2007. The Broadcasting License (license) was obtained from the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism on April 12, 2018.

Manas Television:
- Started web broadcasting through media manas. kg on April 1, 2016,
- Began social media broadcasting on Facebook on September 1, 2016,
- Commenced IP broadcasting via Neotelekom and BeeTV on September 1, 2020,
- Initiated IP broadcasting through Megaline on December 1, 2020,
- Launched digital terrestrial broadcasting across Kyrgyzstan on April 6, 2021,
- Television broadcasting was started on the Telegram platform on March 1, 2023.

Before these developments, the Radio-Television Directorate had started filming news, primarily university news, in 2007, and these news pieces were featured in TRT broadcasts.

With the transfer of the television studio completed in 2012 in collaboration with the University-Turkey Promotion Fund-TRT, the Directorate began preparations in the field of professional television broadcasting. The first test shooting in the studio was conducted on August 30, 2012. The first live broadcast was on November 13, 2012, on TRT AVAZ, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Kemal Madenoğlu, then Undersecretary of the Ministry of Development of Turkey and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Subsequently, the Directorate upgraded the studio delivered in SD format to HD format, making it suitable for professional broadcasting and production. Later, the Directorate produced programs for TRT AVAZ, educational and entertainment programs for the state channels ELTR and KTR of Kyrgyzstan, and entertainment programs for the private Kyrgyz channels NTS and TV 5, successfully implementing numerous projects.

To contribute to the promotion of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, the Radio and Television Directorate, which opened its studio to clip producers, produced clips of many famous artists, a part of pop star Mirbek Atabekov's movie "Tumar," auditions for TRT's "Eurasia Star" project, and beneficial public service announcements in collaboration with various esteemed institutions.

Starting January 25, 2013, the Radio and Television Directorate began producing "Distance Education Programs" for the University.

The studio's official opening was conducted by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, during his visit to Manas University for the "Education, Teaching, and Service Units Joint Opening Ceremony" on April 10, 2013.

The Radio and Television Directorate, operating under the "MEDIAMANAS" brand, has engaged in television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, television software coding, new media broadcasting, metaverse projects, news agency services, advertising agency services, production, international event, and education organization, protocol, media monitoring, reporting, archiving, digital and printed content creation and design activities.

During the pandemic, the Radio and Television Directorate team worked approximately 12 hours daily from the beginning to the end of the pandemic, significantly contributing to the continuation of secondary education in the country by filming nearly 1,000 video lessons for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. The entire infrastructure for the video lesson system broadcast on all state channels and the internet during the pandemic was established by the Radio and Television Directorate Team of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Recognized for its quality, MEDIAMANAS became an essential partner of the Ministries of Health Protection and Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policies of the Kyrgyz Republic during the pandemic, creating informative social spots and television programs about the pandemic with experts. All these programs, featuring the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University logo, were broadcast on state television. MEDIAMANAS has been widely acclaimed for these efforts, becoming a frequent topic in the media of Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, widely promoting its brand name, and being honored with appreciation certificates by the Kyrgyz authorities.

The 16-week live television broadcasts of the "Turkic World Digital Citizenship Project," a significant project of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University reaching more than ten thousand students in the Turkic World, were conducted by Manas Television in 2021 with substantial participants.

Additionally, the Manas Television Team has been organizing various face-to-face and online training programs for Kyrgyz journalists and students in collaboration with esteemed Turkish institutions like TRT, YTB,

and TİKA.

Manas Television, which prepares most of the visual materials required by various Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University units, also promotes all Turkish institutions in Kyrgyzstan and publicizes their activities. In this context, the activities of Manas University and Turkish institutions are covered by Manas Television, which produces their promotional spots and assists in broadcasting them on channels other than Manas Television.

In 2015, based on the rights granted by the relevant broadcasting law, the Radio and Television Directorate initiated income-generating activities within the University for the first time, thereby generating revenues to cover part of its expenses.

Following a decision by the University Senate on March 2, 2023, the Radio and Television Directorate was restructured into separate Radio and Television Directorates.

Manas Television Directorate continues its successful work with the strength of its past achievements, with Manas Television becoming increasingly more robust in content, technical, and technological aspects. Mainly due to the personal connections and initiatives of Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan, the Rector of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, new professional television broadcasting equipment has been acquired for Manas Television, further enhancing its technological infrastructure. The television team has started working on establishing a new, larger studio and planning a more comprehensive range of programs for the television broadcast schedule. As a result, Manas Television offers a rich, high-quality, and regular broadcast schedule with voluntary contributions from academics, students, opinion leaders, artists, bureaucrats, business people, and various sections of society. Programs on topics of interest to youth, education, information, youth programs, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and the Turkic World, debate programs, culture, art, technology, health, sports, university life, social media trends, and many other interesting, current topics and guests are featured, including live concert broadcasts. Particular emphasis is placed on involving students in preparing these broadcasts, preparing them for professional broadcasting in a natural environment.

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