Students of Manas University Have Achieved Success in Art » MANAS TV
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Students of Manas University Have Achieved Success in Art

Students of Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics won the first place in the competition of the Kyrgyzstan Designers Union.

The works that won the first place in the 3rd Inter-University Student Graphics Competition were exhibited at the Gapar Aitiev Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts.

The works of students from Manas were among the works that attracted the most visitors in the Museum.

The awards were presented to Prof. Dr. Chagatai Akengin, Head of the Department of Graphics, and Lecturers Aytbubu Badahshanova and Sezer Erdogan.

Manas University's students are always winning awards in sports, art, science competitions and social campaigns.


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