Manas University Opens Its Doors to Entrepreneurs » MANAS TV
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Manas University Opens Its Doors to Entrepreneurs

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University is going to cooperate with the BINA Incubation Center, which has international experience and education and accreditation documents. Entrepreneurs, who are considered to be the core of today's knowledge economy, will receive education by international standards in Kyrgyzstan.

Advisor to the Rector Prof. Dr. Serhat Burmaoğlu held meetings with BINA Incubation Center officials on 12-13 January 2023 and made on-site visits

In this context, the projects carried out within the BINA Incubation Center were examined and the ongoing trainings were monitored. Thus, a cooperation plan and roadmap were created on how to build a similar structure at Manas University. Access to different funders and training at Manas University that can be given not only to university students but also to Kyrgyz entrepreneurs were also discussed during the talks.

As a result of two-day meetings with Mustafa El Sagezli, General Manager of BINA Incubation Center, Project Coordinator Dr. Muhammed Yasin Elmadit and the project team, an agreement was reached on all cooperation topics. The interviewed officials stated that they would support the Incubation Center in all matters.

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