Minister Kairat Imanaliev is at KTMU » MANAS TV
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Minister Kairat Imanaliev is at KTMU

Minister of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic Kairat Imanaliev paid a visit to Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTMU).

Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Asylbek Kulmyrzaev met Minister Kayrat Imanaliev on June 2, 2021; the visit to Turkey, cooperation opportunities, and the latest developments at the University were discussed during the meeting.

Visiting the playing field of kok boru and equestrian javelin area, the Art Gallery and the Congress and Culture Centre, Minister Imanaliev said that he was very pleased with the developments at the University as he had previously worked as a lecturer at KTMU, and that he always suggested his students that they should get the best education by taking advantage of the wide opportunities KTMU offered.

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Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de Bakan Kayrat İmanaliyev KTMÜ’de

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