Ambassador of Hungary to the Kyrgyz Republic visited Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University » MANAS TV
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Ambassador of Hungary to the Kyrgyz Republic visited Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University

The Ambassador of Hungary to the Kyrgyz Republic Shandor Dorogi visited Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (KTMU).

On May 6, 2021, during a meeting with the Ambassador, Rector Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan said that Hungary is the most important country in Central Europe in terms of relations between Turkey and Central Asia.

Brotherhood relations based on a common history

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ceylan said that the relations between the Turks and the Hungarians are the result of a brotherhood starting with the Scythian and Cimmerian Turks and continuing with the Hun Turks. He also added: "We do not put the Hungarian people in a different place than the Turkish Nation. They are our true brothers."

Hungary's special position in relations

Prof.Dr. Ceylan noted that the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, holds Hungary in a special position, also stated that the relations between Kyrgyzstan and Hungary reached a very high level after President Erdogan visited Kyrgyzstan in 2018.

An important cultural activity: Turan Congress

Underlining that KTMU will fulfill its duty within this framework, Ceylan also expressed his opinion that the Turan Congress held in Hungary was a very important cultural activity.

The lack of Hungarian students at KTMU

Rector Alpaslan Ceylan called the lack of Hungarian students at KTMU a disadvantage and expressed the hope that this disadvantage will be overcome with the help of Ambassador Dorogi. He also said that he would invite Hungarian athletes and academics to the opening of the university's traditional sports games complex.

The importance is given to qualified education

Co-Rector Prof.Dr. Asılbek Kulmırzayev in his speech emphasized the importance of providing quality education to young people and stated that raising students by the requirements of the time is one of the main objectives of KTMU and that Hungarian students can come to KTMU to improve themselves in every sense and contribute to the cultural richness of the University.

Impressive opportunities of KTMU

Ambassador Shandor Dorogi said that he was very impressed with the possibilities of the university and that he will make every effort to ensure that Hungarian students start studying here and can take advantage of these opportunities. Ambassador Dorogi stated that they give great importance to expanding cooperation in the field of education.

Speaking about his interest in traditional sports, the ambassador said that all types of work aimed at attracting people to this field are closely related to him, and he wants to support them.

Ambassador Shandor Dorogi participated in the joint broadcast of MEDIAMANAS radio television after the meeting.

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